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Statutory Audit Services for Mid Size Companies

Simplifying Statutory Audit Services for Mid Size Companies

Mid-size companies in India are often caught between balancing growth aspirations with regulatory compliance. Managing these can be daunting, but crucial for a growing business. Statutory audit services for mid size companies provide a solution, offering an in depth review of financial records and ensuring adherence to all legal and regulatory directives. 

In addition to the legal obligation, statutory audit services for MSMEs offer numerous benefits that contribute to their long-term sustainability. Let’s understand the role of statutory audit services for mid size companies, mistakes to avoid when choosing a partner and how to get the best value when engaging audit service providers like PKC Management Consulting. 

What Are Statutory Audit Services And Do Mid Size Companies Need Them?

In India, a statutory audit is a legally mandated, independent examination of a company’s financial records and statements. For these audits, the company can either onboard an external auditor or seek help from firms like PKC Management Consulting who provide statutory audit services for MSME or mid size companies. These audits ensure compliance with Indian laws and accounting standards (like the Companies Act 2013 and Ind AS).

Here’s why statutory audit services for mid size companies are essential:

  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: Statutory audits make sure your business adheres to the complex financial reporting rules and regulations in India. Non-compliance can lead to fines, damage to reputation, and even legal action.
  • Management of Risks: Mid-sized companies are often in their growth phase, which can bring along financial risks. An audit is like a financial health check-up which identifies potential weaknesses in your internal controls, accounting practices, or fraud risks. This allows you to take corrective measures before problems escalate.
  • Enhancing Financial Credibility: Statutory audits provide assurance to investors, lenders, and regulatory authorities, regarding the accuracy and reliability of your financial statements. This is vital for accessing capital, securing loans, and fostering trust.
  • Informed Decision-Making: Audit findings provide insights into your company’s financial performance, profitability, and cash flow. This helps the management make better decisions about investments, expansion, or cost-cutting measures.
  • Facilitating Business Growth: Sound financial management aided by statutory audits, lay the groundwork for sustainable growth. Reliable financial reporting instills confidence in potential investors and partners, leading to strategic collaborations and business development opportunities.

10 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Selecting Statutory Audit Services for Mid Size Companies

In order to get a statutory audit, you will be required to onboard a qualified CA or a firm that provides statutory audit services for MSMEs. 

Here are some common mistakes to watch out for: 

  1. Focusing solely on price: Although cost is a factor, it shouldn’t be the only one. Opting for the cheapest service provider may compromise the quality, experience, or the depth of the audit. Balance out the cost and value.
  2. Ignoring industry expertise: Different industries have unique accounting practices and requirements. Choosing an auditor with specific experience in your industry can result in a more efficient audit.
  3. Ignoring communication and responsiveness: Clear and timely communication is crucial throughout the audit process. Ensure the auditor is approachable, willing to answer questions, and explains findings in an easy to understand manner.
  4. Overlooking references and reviews: Before finalizing an auditor, check their reputation and track record. Seek references from other businesses or look for online reviews to assess their quality of service.
  5. Unclear scope of work: Clearly define the scope of the audit before engaging the auditor. This helps avoid misunderstandings, ensures all necessary areas are covered, and prevents unexpected costs.
  6. Underestimating the importance of independence: Auditors must be independent to maintain objectivity and credibility. Avoid auditors who have any financial or personal relationships with your company that could compromise their independence.
  7. Not considering additional services: Some audit firms like PKC Management Consulting offer additional services like tax advisory, internal audit, or management consulting. Assess your needs and see if these services could be beneficial for you.
  8. Relying solely on the auditor’s findings: While the auditor’s report is crucial, it’s not the only factor in financial decision-making. Use the audit findings along with your own internal analysis and business knowledge to make informed decisions.
  9. Failing to plan for the audit: Prepare for the audit in advance by organizing financial records, documenting processes, and communicating with relevant staff. This ensures a smoother audit process and minimizes disruptions.
  10. Not reviewing the engagement letter carefully: The letter outlines the terms and conditions of the audit. Carefully review it before signing to ensure you understand the scope of work, fees, timelines, and responsibilities of both parties.

Getting Most From PKC Management Consulting’s Statutory Audit Services for Mid Size Companies

To derive maximum value from these services, MSMEs must adopt a proactive approach and optimize their engagement with audit partners from start to finish. Let’s take a look at how you can receive the best value while working with auditors from PKC Management Consulting:

Pre Audit

  • Gather all financial statements, invoices, receipts, bank statements, and other relevant documents. This will help the audit process run smoothly and efficiently.
  • Have a clear understanding of your company’s internal controls over financial reporting. This will help the auditor assess their effectiveness.
  • Inform employees about the audit and their roles in providing information or answering questions.

During Audit

  • Provide open access to financial records and information. Avoid withholding any information, as it can raise red flags and delay the audit.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask the auditor for clarification on any findings, recommendations, or technical terms.
  • Work with the auditor as a partner. View the audit as an opportunity for improvement and not just a mandatory exercise.
  • Carefully review the draft audit report and discuss any concerns or questions with the auditor before it’s finalized.

Post Audit

  • Take the auditor’s recommendations seriously and implement changes to strengthen internal controls, improve financial reporting, or address any identified weaknesses.
  • Track the implementation of recommendations and assess their impact on your company’s financial health.
  • Maintain open communication with the auditor throughout the year to address any ongoing questions or concerns. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, under the Companies Act 2013, all companies registered in India, regardless of size and turnover, are required to undergo an annual statutory audit.

Other than helping with legal compliance, statutory audits enhance a company’s credibility, identify financial risks, aid strategic decision-making, and improve access to capital. They can also assist with streamlining operations and improving internal controls.

A statutory audit typically covers a company’s financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement), accounting policies, internal controls, and tax compliance.

Look for qualified CAs with industry experience, a good reputation, and clear communication skills. Consider factors like expertise, responsiveness, cost, and the range of additional services offered.

The cost varies based on the company’s size, complexity, industry, and the scope of the audit. It’s best to get detailed proposals from multiple audit firms and compare their services and fees.

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