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Financial audit for healthcare industry

Financial Audit for Pharmaceutical Company: All You Need to Know

While the main focus of pharmaceutical companies is research and development, ensuring financial transparency is equally important to grow and sustain in the long run. A thorough financial audit for pharmaceutical company is an essential tool to achieve this. As an independent review it ensures transparency and responsible financial practices.

For pharmaceutical companies, a financial audit is not just a requirement, but also a way to boost stakeholder and public confidence in your business. In this post, we dive deeper into the importance of financial audits for pharmaceutical companies, the regulatory environment, key areas auditors focus on and the benefits of regular audits with top firms like PKC Management Consulting. 

What is a Financial Audit & Why Do Pharmaceutical Companies Need It? 

A financial audit is a systematic assessment of a company’s financial records, transactions, and statements by an independent auditor. The primary objective of a financial audit is to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and compliance of financial data presented by the company. 

Given the sensitive nature and impact of the products, pharmaceutical companies in India are highly regulated when it comes to audits. Here are some other reasons that make a financial audit for pharmaceutical company essential: 

  • The pharmaceutical industry deals with high-value products. Financial audits ensure transparency in pricing, research & development (R&D) expenditure, and overall financial health, fostering trust among investors and the public.
  • The industry operates under mandatory and complex regulations. Audits help ensure compliance with pricing controls, marketing practices, and intellectual property (IP) protection, minimizing the risk of penalties and legal risks.
  • Pharmaceutical companies invest heavily in R&D, which have huge costs. Financial audits assess the proper allocation and valuation of these expenses, providing a clearer picture of future financial prospects.
  • Drug inventories need to be handled carefully due to expiration dates and dangers of counterfeiting. Audits evaluate inventory valuation and control processes, safeguarding against financial losses and reputational damage.

Regulatory Compliance and Standards Affecting A Financial Audit for Pharmaceutical Company in India 

The financial audits of pharmaceutical companies are directly and indirectly affected by a wide range of compliance and regulatory requirements. Here’s a quick look at the main ones:

  • The Companies Act, 2013: Makes annual statutory audits mandatory for all companies, including those in pharmaceuticals. 
  • Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Regulations: Publicly traded pharmaceutical companies must comply with SEBI’s accounting and disclosure standards. 
  • Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940: Governs the manufacturing, sale, and distribution of drugs in India. This act can indirectly impact areas such as pricing and inventory.
  • Drugs (Price Control) Order, 2013: Establishes price control mechanisms for essential drugs. During revenue recognition, auditors consider it to ensure the company adheres to these pricing regulations.
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) Accounting Standards (AS): Define financial reporting practices for Indian companies, ensuring consistent and reliable financial information. 
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): Compliance with GMP can have an indirect affect on financial audits as it may be an indicator of the effectiveness of internal controls, impacting their risk assessment. 

Main Areas of Focus During A Financial Audit for Pharmaceutical Company

During a financial audit of a pharmaceutical company, auditors  focus on several key areas including:

Regulatory Compliance 

Auditors ensure adherence to regulations from different authorities, reviewing manufacturing practices, labeling, and marketing compliance. They verify documentation, licenses, and provisions for potential penalties.

Research and Development Expenditure 

Auditors scrutinize R&D expenses for proper accounting treatment and compliance with standards. They assess the capitalization of R&D costs, impairment of assets, and disclosure of activities and related-party transactions.

Inventory Management 

Auditors review inventory valuation, classification, and reserves to ensure compliance. They verify accuracy through physical counts, reconciliations, and assess controls to prevent any misappropriation.

Revenue Recognition 

Auditors scrutinize revenue recognition policies for compliance with standards. They verify proper recognition of sales revenue, provisions for discounts, rebates, and evaluate revenue from licensing agreements.

Intellectual Property (IP)  

Auditors examine IP valuation, protection, and disclosure. They assess impairment tests, disclosure of transactions, and compliance with IP protection regulations to safeguard assets effectively.

Outcomes of A Financial Audit for Pharmaceutical Company Conducted By Top Firms Like PKC Management Consulting

Here are a few benefits you can expect from conducting an effective financial audit with trusted providers:

Assurance of Financial Accuracy: 

The financial audit conducted by top firms like PKC Management Consulting ensures that the pharmaceutical company’s financial statements accurately reflect its financial position, performance, and cash flows. 

Enhanced Market Reputation: 

Regularly undergoing financial audits by reputable firms showcases a pharma company’s commitment to ethical business practices and good corporate governance. This improves the company’s reputation in the market, fostering trust among stakeholders and investors.

Identification of Compliance Issues: 

A Financial audit helps identify any non-compliance issues with regulatory requirements, accounting standards, and pharma-specific regulations. By addressing compliance gaps, the company can take action to prevent penalties, legal disputes, and reputational damage.

Detection of Fraud and Misconduct: 

Thorough financial audit procedures detect any instances of fraud, financial misconduct, or irregularities within the pharmaceutical company. Early detection of fraud helps safeguard the company’s assets, reputation, and stakeholder trust.

Recommendations for Process Improvements: 

Seasoned experts from top firms like PKC Management Consulting provide recommendations for improving internal controls, streamlining processes, and enhancing risk management to strengthen the company’s financial governance.

Adherence with Industry Best Practices: 

Top firms like PKC Management Consulting ensure that the pharmaceutical company adheres to industry best practices and benchmarks during the audit process. Compliance with best practices enhances competitiveness and operational efficiency  within the pharmaceutical industry.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Financial audits help pharmaceutical companies to ensure regulatory compliance, detect fraud, maintain investor confidence, and uphold transparency in financial operations.

They include the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Yes, specific considerations include compliance with drug manufacturing regulations, tracking of research and development expenses, valuation of intellectual property assets, and adherence to transfer pricing regulations

Yes, financial audits conducted by trusted firms like PKC Management Consulting can help identify areas for operational improvement, such as streamlining inventory management processes, optimizing R&D expenditures, and enhancing internal controls.

Pharmaceutical companies should look for auditing firms with expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, a track record of regulatory compliance, a team of dedicated professionals and a commitment to providing tailored audit services.

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