Contribution Of Women Entrepreneurs Towards India’s Economic Growth. How They Are Shaping The Future – ABPLIVE

About 20.37 per cent of the MSME industry in India is made up of women-led businesses, which also employ about 23.3 per cent of the labour population

In India’s economy, women entrepreneurs are growing more substantial, and their contributions shouldn’t be undervalued. These female entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the Indian economy and have a significant effect on it by generating employment, accelerating development, and fostering prosperity. As per recent figures, women comprise 14 per cent of the total entrepreneurs in India, which works out to 8 million. Also, 10 per cent of all formal enterprises are owned by women. 

About 20.37 per cent of the MSME industry in India is made up of women-led businesses, which also employ about 23.3 per cent of the labour population. Between 13.5 and 15.7 million businesses are owned by women, who also hire between 22 and 27 million individuals. They are thought of as the economic foundation of India. Not only can women’s employment opportunities be expanded, but also the strain of working two shifts per week for women can be lessened. All areas of legislation must adopt the 3Rs approach, which involves Recognising, Reducing, and Redistributing unpaid care work provided by women.

The inclusion of women in the workforce has created jobs and assisted millions of families in escaping destitution. Because of their superior leadership abilities and higher levels of output, women predominate in new-age sectors where they make up a sizable portion of the workforce. This work ethic and admirable business acumen have also highlighted the significance of women in the contemporary workforce.

Swetha Kochar, partner, PKC Management Consulting, said, “Women with families, even in today’s generation show hesitance when it comes to building their careers. Being an entrepreneur for nearly 5 years, I am yet to see proportional contributions of women in business. Especially when it comes to an industry like business consultancy, there are still more men than women. This is due to the lack of belief in oneself. Business minds have for years been associated with men, thereby undermining the intelligence of a woman without her even getting the chance to showcase her intelligence. I wish to see an increased number of serial women entrepreneurs and in C Suite positions who have the confidence and power to build themselves in career paths that are considered unfit for a family woman! People need to see that a house and a business can easily be built by a woman with just a little support from everyone.”

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